
优点 and 缺点 of Rent Control in 圣地亚哥

Bob Preston - Wednesday, December 23, 2020

租金控制 在过去的几十年里,在加州和全国的许多社区都越来越受欢迎. 每当房租上涨时,租客就会被赶出他们的房子和社区. It’s easy to see why renters would be in favor of new rent control law.

But how does a new rent control law affect 圣地亚哥的房东

租金控制 laws dictate what landlords can charge for rent on their properties. This is done in one of two ways: either by an annual increase percentage, or a flat rate based on the size of the home. 

Rent cap may seem scary, but keep in mind that in California, the new 租金管制法 only impact corporate-owned properties and buildings that are more than 15 years old. An individual with one new single family unit would not be affected, for example. 

作为加州的房东, 它有助于了解任何新的租赁法律,这样你就可以对你的财产和租金做出最好的决定. 如果你是租房子的人, you should also be familiar with when landlords can raise rents. Let’s review the pros and cons of rent control.



租金管制法通常会对租金每年的涨幅设定上限, 哪个对付房租有利. 结果是, tenants will be much more likely to rent your property long-term. 

作为圣地亚哥县的房东, this new California rent control law should cause fewer vacancies every year, as it'll increase the chance that your current tenants will renew their lease. 

Vacancies are costly and can cause a number of budgeting problems. You'll eliminate missed rent payments by having your tenants renew their leases.


当新的租金控制法颁布时,租户们发现了一个增加财务稳定性的机会. Because the point of any rent control law is to put a legal cap on any rent increase, 圣地亚哥县的一项新的租金控制法意味着租户可以节省更多的租金,并为未来做好准备, without needing to rely on a significant increase in income or a career change.


Having more financial stability can help boost the economy, 因为圣地亚哥和加州各地的租户可能会增加他们在租金以外的其他方面的支出, 比如日常生活的便利设施, or even education for themselves or their children. 圣地亚哥县和加州其他地区的房租比全国大多数地方都贵得多, which is why renters new relief in law form. 

由于对租金的控制,加州租户的生活质量可能会提高. 由于租金上限有助于租户获得财务稳定,你可以预期他们会长期居住. 


在圣地亚哥县和加州的其他地方,住房短缺, a new rent cap law might increase the efficiency of housing space. 

租金控制法可以通过激励房东填补他们的房产来缓解加州的住房短缺问题, instead of leaving rentals vacant and attempting to sell the rental property, 这导致市场价格上涨. 

Rent caps will help increase the supply of affordable housing in 圣地亚哥, 这反过来又有助于降低圣地亚哥县委员会希望避免的城市无家可归者的数量. 


一定要遵守这些租金管制法律. 然而, know that there are also exceptions. The rent cap doesn't apply to all California rental properties. 事实上,有很多 豁免.  新法规并没有一刀切地适用于所有住房情况. Some notable 豁免 to the rent cap include:

  • New properties for rent (less than 15 years old)

  • Single-family homes and 公寓 for rent that are not owned by 公司s

  • 以另一单位为主要住宅的复式出租单位 

  • 可供出租的流动房屋

如果你是圣地亚哥县的房东, 一旦租客离开,你也可以随心所欲地提高租金, before a new renter moves into the rental unit. 结果是, the new rent caps also feature tenant protections, 例如,要求任何在租赁单位居住至少一年的租房者提供“正当理由”.  



作为房东, 你可以考虑每隔几年升级一下租赁单元的设备和功能,以留住租户或吸引新租户. 通过这些升级, you can reasonably increase the rent price, as your rental unit will stand out in the 圣地亚哥 rental market.

然而, with rent control law, you might feel your incentive to 升级空间 却降低了. If you pour resources into upgrading one of your properties, you are still limited by the law as to what you can charge by the yearly increase rate.


You may not feel inclined to replace appliances or amenities until they break down, and then you might consider replacing them with a similar model instead of a newer one.

然而, 为了抵消这一点, 根据这些新法律,更有可能续签租约的租户可能会更好地照顾他们的空间, knowing they will be occupying it for a longer duration.


Due to the rent cap, some apartments and houses may fall below the market rate. The longer a unit is rent-controlled, the further it will fall behind. 这意味着房东可能无法从他们的房产中获得尽可能多的收入. 

The rent caps might make it harder to reach financial goals, and you might not have enough resources to cover maintenance on the rental unit, 这可能会导致你推迟. This can lead to the deterioration of properties over time, which then contributes to the lack of affordable housing.


因为租金上限, landlords may incur more legal fees as they attempt to find loopholes, 或者干脆忽略, 规定. This may result in costly legal disputes between landlords and tenants.

另外, 监督租金上限计划可能会导致更多的官僚工作和管制措施. 

This can lead to high administrative costs, 哪些需要缴纳更高的税, and that can seriously hurt the local economy by lowering tax income, which could be used for infrastructure projects for the municipality.


租金上限规定可能对业主和房地产十大赌博信誉网站产生严重的财务影响. 租金控制 may discourage builders and investors from creating new housing, contributing to the high demand and homelessness problems. 

出售出租单位也可能变得更加困难,因为买家在做出购买决定时会考虑租金上涨的上限. 如果你拿出a 贷款 有银行来支付你的投资, the rent cap may limit your income so that it is harder to pay that 贷款 off. 许多业主可能会求助于物业十大赌博信誉网站公司,以帮助他们应对新法规.

consumer price index and 房地产 investment trust


A range of new tenant-landlord laws came into effect this year, 被称为2019年房客救济法案. 

It’s important to be aware of how any new law affects 房地产 investors.

  • 租金上限:新的租金上限规定,除了加州消费者价格指数在一年内的百分比变化外,租金涨幅不能超过5%(消费者价格指数是消费者为商品和服务支付的平均价格变化)。. 

  • Just Cause: When a renter has lived in a unit for more than a year, their tenancy can’t be ended without “just cause."如果没有正当理由, 房东甚至可能负责支付租客一个月的租金,以帮助支付搬迁费用.

  • 租户救济法案例外:租户救济法案(也称为AB 1482)不适用于单户居民, 公寓, or townhouses as long as the owner isn’t an investment trust, 公司, 或者是有公司成员的有限责任公司. 


有些房东经营小, single-family homes are exempt from the new Rent Cap and Just Cause 规定, 但重要的是要清楚这些条款是否适用于你作为房东和你的房产. 

如果你不清楚, 你可能需要联系物业十大赌博信誉网站公司或其他加州租赁法方面的专家,以避免房东意外违反租约.


当一项新的租金控制法限制租金上涨时,它对租户和房东都产生了严重的影响. 对于那些在加州拥有租赁单元或其他房地产投资的人来说,租金上限将带来许多好处和缺点. 

Implementation of 规定 for rent increases makes sense under specific conditions, such as large cities with high demand for affordable housing. 然而, 一项法律取消了提高租赁单元租金的能力,可能会在未来产生一些需要避免的问题. 

加州新的房租控制法 have a sunset in 2030, meaning they will not be around forever. 这可能会产生足够的动力来建造足够的住房空间来满足需求,并降低该地区的无家可归率, rather than keeping California rental prices stagnant by law. 

如果你对租金上限可能对你和你在圣地亚哥县的租赁单位有什么影响有疑问, 与我们联系 北县地产集团 今天! We have extensive experience in property management of single family homes, 多户型单位, 十大赌博信誉网站, 房地产, 和更多的.




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