Property Management Blog

California Eviction Process

Bob Preston - Monday, February 8, 2021
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在过去的一年里,有很多新的立法被引入 COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

今天,我们将讨论2019冠状病毒病时代新的加州驱逐法和房东-房客法, like the nonpayment of rent by the tenant. 

了解房东可能考虑驱逐的情况是很重要的, 以及加州房东-租客法允许的驱逐程序.


New Eviction Legislation

eviction legislation

在过去的一年里,加州的驱逐法发生了变化,由于《十大赌博信誉网站》(Tenant Protection Act of 2019)中引入的正当理由立法和暂停驱逐,驱逐法变得相当复杂.

This new legislation 影响了房东,影响了他们如何应对房客的问题以及如何驱逐房客.


Reasons for Evicting a Tenant In California

reasons for evicting


最简单的是当房客不付房租时,这构成了绝大多数驱逐. Failure to pay rent goes against the rental agreement, as unpaid rent is a clear breach of the contract by the tenant. 同样常见的是“治愈或退出”——当租客违反了租赁单元租约的某些条款时, 如有超过允许的人数居住在出租单位. 在这种情况下,租户必须纠正违规行为以避免被驱逐. 

在其他情况下-当租户造成无法补救的违规行为时,例如 property damage or illegal actions—you give the tenant a notice to quit. In each of these circumstances, the reason behind evicting a tenant cannot be discriminatory, and a landlord must give notice.

Serving An Eviction Notice In California

According to landlord-tenant laws, 房东只有在租客拥有有效的租赁单位租约的情况下,才应该向租客发出驱逐通知. That's because once you serve a three-day notice, you're acknowledging that there's an existing tenancy. 这就是为什么三天通知只能给那些已经是租户的人,并且在开始驱逐程序时支付租金.

notice of non renewal

In situations with no rent control, 当你有一个房客已经超过了期限,你想把他们赶出去, a landlord must not take any money from the tenant, 因为这可能会形成一种意想不到的房东-房客关系,使驱逐程序复杂化. To reiterate, tenants do not pay rent in this case.

Evicting Tenant With No Lease: Notices of Non-Renewal

Can you evict a tenant without a lease in California? 在未续约的12个月租约结束时,住宅租户必须离开. If the tenant doesn't leave, eviction procedures can follow. 

实际上,一旦固定期限租约到期,你不必给租户通知, 尽管大多数房东会给房客30到60天的不续约通知. You cannot just evict the tenant.

加州没有法律规定你必须通知房客, but from a practical perspective, 如果你没有和你的租客沟通,他们应该在12个月结束时离开, the tenant may not know they have to leave, 而房客会继续住在你的房子里,仅仅因为你没有告诉他们. 



rent grace periods

In California, there are no official grace period laws for a tenant, 但绝大多数的租约都有一些条款,说租金在第一天到期,但不会被认为是几天后的日期, for example.

While a landlord is free not to offer grace periods to tenants, they should also consider how judges will interpret the law. 与驱逐有关的问题不适合跳出常规思维或发挥你的创造力. 

你不想做一些不寻常的事情,因为法官会注意到这一点,可能会犯错误,说你做错了什么. 虽然法官会犯错误,但你会是受苦的人,而房客会赢. 


Why? Three-day grace periods are seen most often by judges, 您可以通过遵循通用流程和标准来省去麻烦. 

Notice to Vacate Vs Notice of Non-Renewal


In a fixed-term lease, 房东将有一个定义的时间戳,在租约到期的地方, so while a notice of non-renewal is generally a good idea, it's not legally necessary.

On the other hand, in a month-to-month arrangement, 房东必须给他们的租赁协议终止的法律书面通知. 

Eviction Laws & Renters Protection In California: Final Thoughts

在COVID期间,围绕驱逐的许多法律问题仍然悬而未决,并取决于您的特定区域. Are the courts open and hearing cases? 如果是这样的话,一个驱逐案件在法官面前审理实际需要多长时间? 

对于房东来说,不断变化的法律环境可能很难驾驭, and you should consider consulting with a legal expert.


想了解更多影响圣地亚哥地区房东的问题? Get in touch with the team at North County Property Group


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